I can help you tackle your overactive worrying, panic, social anxiety, phobia or performance anxiety so that you feel more grounded and confident to take on life

If you suffer from anxiety

worry about things & sometimes feel overwhelmed

But if it stops you from doing what you want to do, or the thoughts, feelings and sensations that come with worry are overwhelming you, it might be time to seek help.

Anxiety can feel different for each of us but often comes with physical symptoms such as heart beating quickly, sweating, tight throat, fast breathing, tummy ache, headaches, insomnia and thinking about things over and over again.

Anxiety can feel like a constant white noise in your mind so it becomes difficult to concentrate and leaves you feeling tired.


We all feel anxious and worried from time to time

Anxiety and worry are normal feelings

How can I overcome anxiety?

• Identify what triggers your anxiety, panic, social anxiety or phobia;
• Look at the thoughts (usually negative automatic thoughts that pop into your mind) & beliefs underlying your anxiety;
• Change those unhelpful thoughts and beliefs;
• Give you practical skills to calm yourself;
• Build your self-confidence; and
• Give you clear strategies to use should anxiety cause you a problem in future.

we would work together to:

happy client

"The fact that I can now use these techniques...and listen to the recordings when feeling stressed is invaluable." — J.S.

"Thank you Sarah, so much!"

Let's talk about working together

take the first step. (it's easy.)

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