I first developed sleep problems after my second child was born and looked for answers everywhere.

I spent lots of money on sleep aids - if something promised me sleep, I bought it.

Nothing worked for more than a few nights. Eventually, after suffering for far too long, I found Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi). Everything changed! Within a couple of weeks I was sleeping through the night again.

But then I hit perimenopause. And sleep problems came back along with other symptoms and a busy life to juggle.

Luckily, in the meantime I had trained & qualified in insomnia coaching, so I could go back to basics with my sleep.

My sleep improved again & when I looked at the research, it confirmed what I knew from experience,  that CBTi is a proven, natural solution for perimenopausal & post-menopausal women with insomnia. 

Hi, I'm Sarah & I help women sleep better naturally so that you have the energy to do what you want.

I hated my bed

Sleep problems are really common in perimenopause and post-menopause.

Often, sleep problems are one of the first symptoms women experience in perimenopause and 40-60% of peri and post-menopausal women will experience sleep issues.

But it is treatable so please don't suffer in silence for years, like I did. 

Poor sleep affects your mood, memory, ability to make decisions, weight & health.

There is a natural & proven way to reset your sleep - no supplements, pills or sprays needed.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi) reset my sleep and I now use this to form the foundation of my Menoinsomnia® Method coaching programme which teaches you how to get a good night's sleep so that you wake up feeling like YOU again.

Poor sleep makes every day harder.  

Feeling tired, tearful and struggling to concentrate...

AASM Website, press release: New guideline supports behavioral, psychological treatments for insomnia (Dec. 16th 2020)

"The guideline includes one strong recommendation — which is one that clinicians should follow under most circumstances — for the use of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia." 

What the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) says...

happy client

— SS.

"I'm falling asleep easily now. It's amazing! I wish I'd known this 23 years ago"


— R.K

"Working with you has been life-changing"


— B.D.

"Generally, my sleep is now really, really good."


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Learn a quick and simple way to reset your sleep using your own body's powerful, natural sleep processes.

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happy client

"I thoroughly recommend working with Sarah, she's a great listener and I felt really supported"

Kingston Upon Thames

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